What to do if you think your child needs an IEP

Every child deserves a good education, but children with special needs often require extra support to achieve success. If your child struggles with school, you may guess that an individualized learning plan is in order. But how can you know for sure?  You want what is best for your child, but you may not know…

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How can prescription drugs get you in trouble?

Some residents in North Carolina do not know prescription drug law well. Everyone knows that “street drugs” are illegal. But this does not mean that all prescription drugs are free for anyone to use. Today, we will look at some of the ways you can abuse prescription drugs. We will also look at the laws…

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What steps should I take after inheriting a house?

Most people would love to receive a house as a gift or an inheritance. However, this practice is not without its downsides. While you may not have to worry about things like mortgages and down payments, there could be all sorts of other liabilities and obligations lurking in the shadows.  That is why the steps you…

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